
Windmoeller&Hoelscher Triumph 2, square bottom bag

ID 2363

square bottom bag Windmoeller&Hoelscher  Triumph 2
Basic informations
Machine ID2363
square bottom bag 74 Windmoeller&Hoelscher  Triumph 2square bottom bag 75 Windmoeller&Hoelscher  Triumph 2square bottom bag 76 Windmoeller&Hoelscher  Triumph 2square bottom bag 77 Windmoeller&Hoelscher  Triumph 2square bottom bag 78 Windmoeller&Hoelscher  Triumph 2

Triumph 2 with 4 colors printer,top clip unit,machine can produce normal square bags to.Vedry good condition.
Windmuller&Horscher  Triumph 2  can produce bags for salt,suger,flour,smouked chicken,gypsum,and so on....
these Triumph 2 can weld bottom and leng and can used glue to.
Triumph 2 has 4 colors printer,but 2 colors more for bottom
Type : Triumph 2
Bag width 70 - 190 mm.
Tube length 180 - 470 mm.
Bottom width 40 - 110 mm.
2 unwinds and glue units for 2 ply bags
With: Bottom patch unit with 2 colors printer
4 colrs printer QMS 992
welding for bottom + glue
welding for lenght  + glue
machine can make clip on the top
with operator or training
2 unwind for 2 rolls or film
SOS bags
paper square bottom bags  










Baujahr: 1971, Kommision nr. 19266 incl.:


- Bodenoffner SB 1630 K.Nr. 15514


- Clipagregat T 1441 K.Nr. 19274


- Druckwerk Garant QMS 993 K.Nr. 2075 G



MERCEL, cutting knives s.r.o.

Týnišská 423, 503 46 Třebechovice pod Orebem
50°11'47.917" N 16°0'0.528" E
50.1966442N, 16.0001472E

+ 420 774 887 841
+ 420 495 591 122
+ 420 608 887 841

+420 495 593 137
